Direct Access: What does it Mean??
It allows a patient who has any type of pain, injury, ailment, or worry to come right in to see a Physical Therapist with NO REFERRAL OR PRESCRIPTION!
How does this work?
It is no different than any other patient. Just call the office and schedule and appointment. The front desk will take all of your information and you are ready to go! THAT EASY.
Is it covered by insurance?
YES! Your insurance covers based on your benefit plan. There are some rare occasions (less than 5% of the time) your insurance specifically requires referrals from your Primary Care Provider to see any other medical professional, nothing else is needed. Don’t worry! If this is you, we will contact your provider to get your referral started.
How does this help me?
With direct access- Get hurt on a Monday morning, get in to see a Physical Therapist Monday afternoon. Waste no time in your recovery so you can get back doing what you want, when you want, how you want.
Old and failed method – The sequence of events used to have you seeing 1-3 doctors, waiting for an image report, obtaining a referral, and FINALLY getting into see a Physical Therapist. This could mean 4-8 weeks before you even get the help you need.